The Path to Inner Peace

What according to you constitutes a life-changing personal trip? I think it would be a trip that would lead you to inner peace. Yes, THAT inner peace that our favorite Panda (the Kung Fu one) talks about on and off. There are various methods that you could follow to find the calmness and harmony that you crave for…and trust me, the path to inner peace is an alluring one. And this era…this time period, I think, is just the perfect one to set out to find that peace and gain the kind of broad-mindedness that would be an asset to possess.

I’ve often wondered why people attempt to bypass moments of quiet – moments when they are alone with no one to disturb them – and feel uneasy in such situations. Why do they need others to make them feel happy and content? Often people try to beat being alone by turning on the television, blasting their radio loudly, or most recently, by playing their iPods and mp3 players. Being totally alone is a completely unthinkable task for most of us.

When I researched on the WWW, I found that many people report to have thought that they had found inner peace only to get disproved later on. You think you have found your comfort zone somewhere and are safe in it. But is that what you were actually born to do? Be safe? I think not. Personally, I believe that if you stick to your comfort zones now and do not feel the want to move out of it, you are fooling yourself into believing that you have found inner peace. The journey to inner peace can’t be that easy. You HAVE to have the voluntariness to step out and enjoy all the emotions ever created by God. Be the person who bites the bullet on the way sometimes and still moves ahead like a champion. For if we do not venture out, how can you get to know who you really are?

Having said that, have I found inner peace? Maybe. Because I dare to gamble in life and take on its challenges head on. There is more to be learnt, but I am sure life will teach me that “more” in the years ahead. Here’s to life and all its pains, gains, and emotions!